Field Blends and the Love of Wine

As we emerge from 2020—a year in which we needed wine for an entirely different set of terrifying reasons—and the bits of 2021 that the previous year swallowed whole, I thought I’d share some of my favorite bottles that made Field Blends a book for wine lovers everywhere. Think of these questions as good talk amongst friends at your first post-pandemic springtime gathering.

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Vinarna Bokovka is the very best of Prague's excellent wine scene

Enter through a quietly cloistered courtyard whose cobblestones reflect the light that shines from above, through arches and columns both stately, yet sooted by time. A soft bronze glow of filament bulbs and candles gently twinkling through the phalanx of glasses and bottles cast merry shadows on the vaulted walls of a place that one might think dilapidated if you didn't know it was a wine cellar. We're inside of Vinarna Bokovka, an absolutely exquisite wine bar we discovered in the heart of Prague, capital of the Czech Republic.

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